Mount Allison University

Sackville, N.B. (200 faculty members, librarians) and the Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA)

Renewal agreement: Effective Dec. 21, 2016, to June 30, 2019. Signed on Dec. 21, 2016.
Wage adjustments: 
Effective July 1, 2017: 1.65%
Effective July 1, 2017: 1.75%
Paid holidays: 7 days, plus all days from Dec. 24 to Jan. 1 inclusive (Dec. 23 when it is on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and Jan. 2 when it is on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.). 
Vacations with pay: 25 days or 4.6%, plus 1.25 days per month of service. 15 days may be carried forward.
Sick leave: 15 days of sick-leave credits on employee’s date of initial appointment, then 1.25 day per month of service, maximum 30 days. 
Pension: Mount Allison defined contribution pension plan. Employer contributes 8.4% (previously 8.25%), employee contributes 6.4% (previously 6.25%).
Bereavement leave: 10 days for death in immediate family.
Discipline: Sunset clause is 48 months.
Severance: 1 month’s salary, maximum 12 months, for bona-fide financial reasons, maximum 18 months for bona-fide academic reasons.
Sample rates of annual pay (current, after 3.4% increase):
1: $57,836 rising 3 steps to $59,819
2: $60,605 rising 3 steps to $62,683
3: $63,374 rising 3 steps to $65,548
4: $66,144 rising 3 steps to $68,412
5: $68,913 rising 3 steps to $71,276
6: $71,682 rising 3 steps to $74,140 
7: $74,759 rising 3 steps to $77,322 
8: $77,835 rising 3 steps to $80,504 
9: $80,912 rising 3 steps to $83,687 
10: $83,989 rising 3 steps to $86,869 
1: $71,682 rising 3 steps to $74,140
2: $74,759 rising 3 steps to $77,322
 3: $77,835 rising 3 steps to $80,504
 4: $80,912 rising 3 steps to $83,687
 5: $83,989 rising 3 steps to $86,869
6: $87,066 rising 3 steps to $90,051 
7: $90,143 rising 3 steps to $93,234 
8: $93,219 rising 3 steps to $96,416 
9: $96,296 rising 3 steps to $99,598 
10: $99,373 rising 3 steps to $102,780 
11: $102,450 rising 3 steps to $105,963 
12: $105,527 rising 3 steps to $109,145 
13: $108,603 rising 3 steps to $112,327 
14: $111,680 rising 3 steps to $115,510 
1: $87,066 rising 3 steps to $90,051
2: $90,143 rising 3 steps to $93,234
3: $93,219 rising 3 steps to $96,416
4: $96,296 rising 3 steps to $99,598
5: $99,373 rising 3 steps to $102,780
6: $102,450 rising 3 steps to $105,963
7: $105,527 rising 3 steps to $109,145
8: $108,603 rising 3 steps to $112,327
9: $111,680 rising 3 steps to $115,510 
10: $114,757 rising 3 steps to $118,692 
11: $117,834 rising 3 steps to $121,874 
12: $120,911 rising 3 steps to $125,057 
13: $123,988 rising 3 steps to $128,239 
14: $127,064 rising 3 steps to $131,421 
15: $130,141 rising 3 steps to $134,603 
16: $133,218 rising 3 steps to $137,786 
17: $136,295 rising 3 steps to $140,968 
1: $111,680 rising 3 steps to $115,510
2: $114,757 rising 3 steps to $118,692
3: $117,834 rising 3 steps to $121,874
4: $120,911 rising 3 steps to $125,057
5: $123,988 rising 3 steps to $128,239
6: $127,064 rising 3 steps to $131,421
7: $130,141 rising 3 steps to $134,603
8: $133,218 rising 3 steps to $137,786
9: $136,295 rising 3 steps to $140,968
10: $139,372 rising 3 steps to $144,150
11: $142,448 rising 3 steps to $147,333
12: $145,525 rising 3 steps to $150,515
13: $148,602 rising 3 steps to $153,697
14: $151,679 rising 3 steps to $156,880
1: $111,680 rising 3 steps to $115,510
2: $114,757 rising 3 steps to $118,692
3: $117,834 rising 3 steps to $121,874
4: $120,911 rising 3 steps to $125,057
5: $123,988 rising 3 steps to $128,239
6: $127,064 rising 3 steps to $131,421
7: $130,141 rising 3 steps to $134,603
8: $133,218 rising 3 steps to $137,786
9: $136,295 rising 3 steps to $140,968
10: $139,372 rising 3 steps to $144,150
11: $142,448 rising 3 steps to $147,333
Editor’s notes: Relocation expenses: Maximum $2,000 for employee hired for 4 months; $4,500 for employee hired for 8 months; $11,000 for employee hired for more than 1 year. Child-care expenses: Employer will provide employee maximum $600 per academic year for each dependent child younger than 5. York Street Children’s Centre: Employer will provide annual donation to York Street Children’s Centre of $3 for every $1 donated by employees, maximum $7,500 per year from employer.

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