CUPE unhappy with proposed wage increases
All City of Mississauga Library facilities are closed until further notice due to a strike by CUPE 1989.
The City of Mississauga, the Mississauga Library Board and CUPE Local 1989 have been in negotiations since June 12, 2015. Since the outset of negotiations, the city’s goal has always been to achieve a collective agreement that is fair and competitive to our employees and our taxpayers, it said.
The city offered the Union’s bargaining committee wage increases and benefit improvements, but CUPE 1989 rejected the offer and have opted to strike.
The union is unhappy with the proposed salary increase of 1.5 per cent, saying in 2014 and 2015, the library workers saw a 0.5 per cent increase.
“With inflation running upwards of 1.8 per cent, we are losing ground,” said CUPE. “Given library director Rose Vespa enjoyed a 7.3 per cent increase in 2014, ‘fair’ is not a word that springs to mind.”