Union alleges employer violated act

Lawyers for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 2073 — representing 227 striking workers at the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) in Toronto — filed an unfair labour practice complaint April 21 with the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB).
The workers have been on strike since March 6.
In its submissions to the OLRB, the union contends the employer has violated the Ontario Labour Relations Act in multiple ways. The act says where there is a bargaining agent — a union — representing workers, the employer may not attempt to “direct deal” with individual employees. The CHS did so on April 7, when it couriered 227 individual offers to striking workers at their home addresses, according to the union.
“Repeatedly, the CHS has sought to prolong this strike rather than resolve it,” said Barbara Wilker-Frey, CUPE national representative. “They took over three weeks to come back to the table after the strike began.”
The union’s complaint outlines that in addition to direct dealing, the CHS also shared information with striking workers that it never tabled in negotiations. The CHS also sent out false financial information to employees, which differs from figures used at the bargaining table, said CUPE.
The 227 workers have not had a wage increase in four years. They are counsellors, literacy instructors, audiologists, speech language pathologists, interpreters/interpreter trainers, clerical support, program coordinators, program assistants, and information technology specialists, said the union.