Employees of Points West Living in Cold Lake voted to go on strike.
The strike vote was held after the employer broke off negotiations with the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) earlier this month, according to the union.
“Going on strike was the only option left to them to achieve a fair contract that would protect the quality of care at this facility,” said AUPE vice-president Mike Dempsey.
Points West Living is one of the most profitable seniors’ care providers in Alberta, according to the union. The Ontario-based company expects to grow to a value of $500 million over the next five years.
“Our goal with this strike action is to bring them back to the bargaining table with a meaningful offer,” said Dempsey.
Once the Alberta Labour Relations Board confirms the results of the vote, the workers will be in a legal position to strike after serving notice to their employer of the time and date that the strike will begin. Notice must be served at least 72 hours in advance.