Pension conversion largest issue between parties
A strike that could threaten national air travel has been called for Monday at midnight.
The Canadian Auto Workers, which represents 3,800 customer service, reservations and ticketing agents, issued a 72-hour notice on Friday.
According to the union, “there are still a number of important issues halting progress at the bargaining table, such as dramatic cuts to the pension plan” and a defined-contribution plan for new hires. “Air Canada is also demanding … a reduction in benefits for current members and retirees, as well as an increase to their part-time workforce, which already occupies approximately 35 per cent of jobs.”
The last time that the parties commented, CAW negotiators felt there had been “positive movement” on some issues, but that pensions remained the sticking point.
The airline is claiming that it will operate its full flight schedule in the event of a strike.