Canadian Tire gets ‘Wallaced’
Canadian Tire gets ‘Wallaced’
Stewart Schwindt started working as the service manager of a Canadian Tire store in Regina in 1996. On Oct. 31, 2003, the owner told Schwindt he wasn’t happy with his performance and he should retire. Schwindt was told to sign a letter of resignation and escorted out of the building. The court found Schwindt had been unjustly terminated and awarded him nine months’ pay in lieu of notice. The court also frowned upon giving Schwindt an ultimatum to retire and escorting him from the store. It awarded an additional two months’ salary for poor treatment, bringing total damages to $37,126. See Schwindt v. Jann & Neil Sulkers Ltd., 2007 CarswellSask 259 (Sask. Q.B.).