Legal briefs

Employee fired for stealing mouthwash

Employee fired for stealing mouthwash

A passenger and baggage screening officer who stole mouthwash should not have been fired, the Ontario Arbitration Board ruled. In November 2006, an employee saw Colin Squires, an Aeroguard Eastern Ltd. employee at the London, Ont., airport, remove a bottle of mouthwash from a cabinet where items confiscated from passengers are stored and put it in his pocket. Squires said he thought it belonged to a co-worker and later placed it on a table to be reclaimed. “To make out an allegation of theft, it is necessary to prove a dishonest intent,” the board said. It ordered Squires reinstated. See Aeroguard Eastern Ltd. v. Teamsters, Local 847, 2007 CarswellOnt 1896 (Ont. Arb. Bd.).

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