Bullying in Canada
Bullying on this side of the pond
Calgary — Timothy Lloyd, city manager of Imperial Parking’s operations in Calgary, claimed he had been constructively dismissed due to intimidation and an oppressive atmosphere. Lloyd claimed his supervisor was rude, abusive and vulgar towards him. The court noted the supervisor’s continuous screaming and repeated threats of termination amounted to a fundamental breach of the implied terms of the employment relationship — that the employer would treat the employee with civility, decency, respect and dignity. As a result, the employee was deemed constructively dismissed. The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench awarded Lloyd close to $30,000.
Calgary — Timothy Lloyd, city manager of Imperial Parking’s operations in Calgary, claimed he had been constructively dismissed due to intimidation and an oppressive atmosphere. Lloyd claimed his supervisor was rude, abusive and vulgar towards him. The court noted the supervisor’s continuous screaming and repeated threats of termination amounted to a fundamental breach of the implied terms of the employment relationship — that the employer would treat the employee with civility, decency, respect and dignity. As a result, the employee was deemed constructively dismissed. The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench awarded Lloyd close to $30,000.