Join the conversation and talk about what’s new in the employment law realm
Canadian Employment Law Today editor Jeffrey R. Smith comes across some pretty fascinating tidbits while reading through the pile of documents that come out of the courts.
And now he has a new forum to write about them, and readers have an opportunity to chime in with their opinions. That’s because we’ve launched a new employment law blog. On a regular basis, Smith will be blogging about some of the more interesting aspects of employment law.
Two-way conversation
And we want this to be a two-way conversation.
Readers can comment on the blog, pose questions and share their own stories. We understand that, because employment law is a sensitive topic, managers, HR professionals, lawyers and others may not be able to use their names. That’s why we’re allowing anonymous postings.
Everything will be moderated by our staff, so you can expect the conversation to remain at a high, respectful level.
First blog online now
Smith’s first blog is online now, and it discusses a court’s awarding of damages to the partner of an employee. Read “When sales push comes to shove” and offer your two cents.
We hope you enjoy the blog. It’s another way Canadian Employment Law Today, the best employment law publication in the country, is helping you stay on top of critical legal trends that impact your business.
Todd Humber is managing editor of Canadian HR Reporter and its family of publications, including Canadian Employment Law Today.